Sunday, December 30, 2012

January 2 chat, symposium review

It's Sunday night, December 30. The presentations ended at 1:00 this afternoon. We've moved the ALL Unschooling symposium to one small room of the three we had. ("Small" meaning 1032 sq feet.) Six or seven younger kids are watching a movie on a laptop. One is painting. Nine people are playing Five Crowns at a big round table. At another table, seven or eight others are playing Dominion.

I'm exhausted.

By Wednesday, January 2, I should be sufficiently recovered to share some highlights.

If you're reading this by e-mail and you need a path to the chatroom, click on the title to get to the blog, which has a tab up to the left with the link and password.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

No chat December 26

No chat December 26. Sorry. I meant to say so sooner.

Kirby will be here any minute, Joyce and Carl are here, the ALL Unschooling Symposium starts tomorrow..... I can't chat right now. :-)

Sorry I didn't say so sooner. I meant to.

If you're reading this by e-mail and you need a path to the chatroom, click on the title to get to the blog, which has a tab up to the left with the link and password.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sleep, peaceful homes, naps...

December 19 we'll chat about sleep, naps, family bed and growing up to use alarm clocks to get to work.

In the book, the pages are 156-161.

If you're reading this by e-mail and you need a path to the chatroom, click on the title to get to the blog, which has a tab up to the left with the link and password.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Video games, courtesy, family benefits

On December 12, 2012, we will consider pages 151-155 in The Big Book of Unschooling are about video games. The idea that learning comes from games is well known to any unschoolers who have ever really looked at it, though, so....

Let's talk about the benefits to families from game play. And as to learning, let's look at courtesy and etiquette, and at responsibility (page 155 in the book).

There's not a straight webpage link. If you want to read more than those pages in the book, this on Minecraft might be fun for you. It's about Minecraft bringing families closer together:

If you're reading this by e-mail and you need a path to the chatroom, click on the title to get to the blog, which has a tab up to the left with the link and password.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Books, book worship, book glory

December 5 chat on Books (pages 148-149 in The Big Book), and book worship, and good uses for books, and warnings about books for new unschoolers and book, bookety book book everything.

This is the book that doesn't end
Yes it goes on and on my friend...

(in case you don't know the tune, click here.)

If you're reading this by e-mail and you need a path to the chatroom, click on the title to get to the blog, which has a tab up to the left with the link and password.